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What we choose matters. No one drifts into being remarkable—the choices we make will either get us there or hold us back. It’s time to take a step forward. Are you ready to choose?

Important vs. Urgent

Jason Mitchell · October 28, 2018

Living a remarkable life means knowing the difference between what's important and what's urgent. When we choose moments over minutes, we are choosing to give time to what matters most. What's most important to you?

Discipline vs. Regret

David Ashcraft · October 21, 2018

When it comes to life choices, we can put things in two categories: "Major Decisions" and "Stuff That Doesn't Matter." But the truth is that there are no neutral decisions in our lives. If we want to start living wisely, we have to choose between what we want now and what we want most.

Surrender vs. Control

David Ashcraft · October 14, 2018

As people, we always want to be in control. But what if the trick to living wisely required us to live in surrender? When we give the Holy Spirit the chance to fill us, we can begin living the way God desired us to live.

Purpose vs. Popularity

Jason Mitchell · October 7, 2018

Living a remarkable life means choosing purpose over popularity. When we know we are approved and entrusted by God, it can change the way we look at every choice in our lives. Are you living to please other people, or to please God?