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We’ve all felt stuck, held back by barriers we can’t seem to get past. But what if we finally had the power to get up and do something about it? Sometimes, in order to succeed, we have to be willing to quit.

Quit Fear

Jason Mitchell · September 30, 2018

If we want to be free, we have to quit being afraid. Jesus never promised that we wouldn't have to face our fears, but he did promise to be there with us as we do. Are you willing to let Jesus meet you in your fear?

Quit Comparing

David Ashcraft · September 23, 2018

Comparison makes for a no-win situation. Getting caught in the comparison trap can distort our thinking, make us prideful, and cause resentment. If we are God's masterpiece, we can rest in knowing who we are in him. Are you willing to quit comparing?

Quit Complaining

David Ashcraft · September 16, 2018

It's easy to complain when things don't go our way. But when we choose to be a victim instead of a student, we learn nothing from what God is trying to teach us. Are you willing to shut up and listen?

Quit Excuses

John Wilkinson · September 9, 2018

Being remarkable means quitting what keeps us from focusing on what really matters. When we cut out the excuses and put our lives to the "what really matters" test, we can count the cost and make the best decisions.