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We all have an idea of what we think marriage should be—but our expectations don’t always match reality. Marriage comes with a long list of unexpected side effects. How do we deal with marriage, even when the results may vary?

The Truth About Soulmates

Matt Parks · February 11, 2018

Are you and your spouse soulmates or just roommates? When it comes to marriage, there are six ways to know your spouse in a way that makes them feel seen and safe, and one way that makes the two of you one.

How to Fight Fair

Jason Mitchell · February 4, 2018

We all deal with conflict in our relationships. But what if it’s not about if we fight, but how we fight? When we learn to fight fair, we can fight for a resolution instead of a victory. Are you ready to fight for your marriage?

What Your Spouse Wishes You Knew

David Ashcraft · January 28, 2018

Men and women are created differently. Our wants and needs from our spouse don’t always line up—but the bottom line is the same: we all want to be loved. How can we be sure we’re giving our partner what they need to feel successful in our marriage?

The Habit of Happiness

Jason Mitchell · January 21, 2018

It’s easy to be happy in our marriage when the feelings are fresh. But what do we do when the feelings fade? We all have a choice when it comes to how we view our relationships. Will you choose the habit of happiness?

The Three Sides of Love

David Ashcraft · January 14, 2018

There are three sides of love that make up what we define as the key to a happy marriage. But how do we balance each side and make sure we’re thriving in our marriage—not just surviving?