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When something is off, you feel it. The first step to changing your life is to own it.

Invest and Invite

Jason Mitchell · September 1, 2019

As followers of Jesus, we are called to invest in the lives of others and invite them along with us to experience a relationship with him. If we want to share the remarkable life that God has called us to, we have to own that opportunity. Are you ready to invest and invite?

Kill Your Selfishness

Matt Parks · August 25, 2019

If we don't own the undertow of our selfishness, it will own us. When we decide to put others before ourselves and serve them, it not only grows us, but keeps us in line with the fruit of the Spirit—and further away from sin.

Own Your Invaluable Time with God

David Ashcraft · August 18, 2019

For most of us, showing up at church has become more of a task than an opportunity to spend time with God. But when we realize how to refresh our time with God, we can take advantage of the chance we have to show up regularly, repeatedly, and engaged.

Evaluate Your Circles

Jason Mitchell · August 11, 2019

If we want to keep our life moving in the right direction, we have to be intentional about who we invite into our circles. When is the last time you evaluated the relationships in your life?