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We’re all aware of our own flaws, screw-ups, and bad decisions. Nobody’s perfect—we all miss the mark. But God can do remarkable things with unexpected people. What could he do with a rough crowd like us?

Hiding, Hurting, and Healing

Matt Parks · April 29, 2018

We all have secrets in our lives that are less than ideal. But the longer we hide them, the more they hurt us. And if we ever want to experience healing, we have to own them, admit them, and stop them.

The Rough Edges of Doubt

Jason Mitchell · April 22, 2018

It’s easy to trust God when things are going well. But the real challenge comes when we find ourselves in situations that test our faith. Can we still trust God when our circumstances cause us to doubt?

When We’re Frustrated with God

David Ashcraft · April 15, 2018

What do we do when God doesn’t meet our expectations? When God is telling us something but we don’t have all the details, we can feel pressure to take matters into our own hands. But God’s plan for us is greater than any plan we can create for ourselves—if we’re willing to fix our eyes on him.

We Are Not Qualified to Pick Up Stones

David Ashcraft · April 8, 2018

When it comes to being perfect, we know that we’ll never get there. But we can make the mistake of thinking we’re qualified to judge others—even when we’re not. And the only person qualified to condemn us has chosen to love us instead.