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Powerful. Unchanging. Immovable. Throughout history God has revealed himself in many ways and by many names…and he’s still revealing himself today. Get to know The God Who Is.

The God Who Sees

Jason Mitchell · June 21, 2020

We often think about the expansiveness of God—but as big as he is, our God is also personal and intimate, and he sees us, no matter where we are.

The Mountain of Reconciliation

David Ashcraft · June 14, 2020

When we’re standing at the bottom of the mountain of reconciliation, it can seem impossible to actually overcome it. But we have a God whose strength and power can overcome any situation, and with his help we can take steps to look at ourselves start climbing.

The Third Option - Special Guest Miles McPherson

Miles McPherson · June 7, 2020

We live in an Us vs. Them culture, where we're told we have to choose a side and choose an enemy. But the truth is, when it comes to any topic, there is always a third option. Join special guest Pastor Miles McPherson as he shares his heart and knowledge on division and how we can be more like Jesus. *Footage provided by Rethink Creative from New Jersey

What’s In A Name?

David Ashcraft · May 31, 2020

God has many names that he's given himself to show us who he is—and when we lean into understanding them, we can lean into the truth of what they mean for us when we endure hard situations. Whatever you're facing today, are you focusing on the mess, or are you focusing on your Creator?