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Your relationships matter. Don’t miss the must-have conversations that are key to healthy relationships.

The Dos and Don’ts of Conflict

Leslie McCarthy · October 29, 2023

Even in our closest relationships, conflict is more of a when than an if - but it doesn't have to cause irreparable damage. Here are some ways to navigate conflict in a way that won't destroy your relationships.

Am I Parenting Right?

Jason Mitchell · October 21, 2023

Kids don’t need perfect parents; they need loving parents. If you want to parent to preserve the relationship with your kids, check out this message.

Build a Better Marriage

Jason Mitchell · October 15, 2023

Your relationships matter. Don’t miss the must-have conversations that are key to healthy relationships.

The Biggest Myths About Sex

Jason Mitchell · October 8, 2023

Conflicting information about sex leaves us confused at best and full of regret at worst. What's the truth about sex, and how can we avoid choices and situations we'll regret later?

Dating with Intention: Companionship vs. Completion

Jason Mitchell · October 1, 2023

Dating in today's culture can be complicated and anxiety-inducing. As followers of Jesus, how can we be intentional about our dating relationships? Discover 5 values to look for in a significant other when seeking companionship, not completion.