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Life is shifting, disorienting, confusing. It’s not what you expected. So what do we do when purpose hides?

Learning From the Low Points

Jason Mitchell · May 26, 2019

In our lowest moments, it can be hard to see God's providence. But when we choose to trust God's heart even when we can't see his hand, we give ourselves the opportunity to come out of those moments better than we were before. Are you willing to learn from the lows?

Purpose and Hope

Jason Mitchell · May 19, 2019

It’s hard to believe God has a plan when our lives are spiraling out of control or we’ve hit rock bottom. But what if he uses our circumstances to fuel a sense of purpose and passion for us in the future? Furthermore, what if God has placed us in a unique position to spark purpose and hope in someone else’s life, to change the trajectory of their future?

In The Meantime

Leslie McCarthy · May 12, 2019

When we're in the space between what we hope God will do and what he actually does, it can be easy to fall into fear and anxiety. But our God has a plan–and the meantime is when we can lean on what we know is true about his plan for us.

To Be A Blessing

David Ashcraft · May 5, 2019

When God blesses us in our lives, it isn't just for our benefit. Too often we choose to put self-preservation ahead of God's plan for us—but what would he be able to do through us if we realized it isn't all about us? Join us as we learn more about the story of Esther and the concept of providence.

Easter At LCBC (2019)

David Ashcraft · April 21, 2019

When things in our lives aren't going as planned, we ask two questions: "Why?" and "Where is God?" But when we learn to value God's providence over our preferences, we can start to see the truth in what he has for us over what we want for ourselves. It may be Friday in your world, but Sunday is coming.