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15 Things Husbands Love to Hear from Their Wives

Thoughtful words can have an immeasurable impact. Here are 15 phrases that men love to hear from their wives.

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Words have incredible power. This is doubly true for the words that are spoken between a husband and wife. For men, a thoughtful word from their spouse can have an immeasurable impact. Here are 15 phrases that men love to hear from their wives.

15 things husbands love to hear from their wives

1. “I love you.” 

Whether in a random text message or a quiet moment driving in the car, there’s never a bad time to say I love you.

2. “I’m proud of you.”

A man might know that his wife is in his corner, cheering him on, but to hear it out loud makes a world of difference.

3. “You’re an amazing husband.”

This encouragement will make a man feel loved in a way few other words can, especially in a world where encouraging words can sometimes be hard to come by.

4. “You’re an amazing dad.”

Fatherhood, like marriage, is a sacred endeavor. It’s good to remind men that their work as a dad is valued and seen.  

5. “I’m so glad we found each other.”

This phrase can bring back fond memories when he first met his spouse. 

6. “Thanks for sharing your thoughts.”

Sometimes it can be difficult for men to express their thoughts and emotions. Any positive feedback can go a long way towards creating open and meaningful conversations.

7. “You look so handsome.”

Men love to hear that their wives find them attractive.

8. “I appreciate when you help by doing ________.”

There are chores or tasks that everyone likes more than others. For a man to take note of the things that his wife doesn’t particularly like doing and doing it for her without asking is huge.

9. “You’re really good at _________.”

This statement will make men feel affirmed and will be an encouraging wind in his sails. 

10. “I’d choose you all over again.”

This phrase will make a man feel deeply satisfied knowing they are the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with.

11. “I love spending time with you.”

In today’s fast-paced world, a reminder of finding joy in the simple things can go a long way.” 

12. “I’m sorry you’re going through that.”

Sometimes men just need to vent. And a wife’s empathetic ear can help a man process his thoughts and emotions.

13. “Tell me your hopes and dreams.”

A lot of men have a running list of things they want to strive for. Some men can often find it hard to express their “big picture” thoughts and ideas. Inviting men to open up about their hopes and dreams can sometimes speak life into ideas. 

14. “I appreciate how hard you work for our family.”

Every man wants to be seen as a provider. One way they do that is through their work and it makes men feel good to hear that it is seen and appreciated.  

15. “I know where I want to eat tonight.”

They say a man’s heart is through his stomach, so taking the initiative to suggest take out or a night on the town will surely put a smile on his face.

What will you tell your husband today?

The writer of Proverbs knew that “Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.” (Proverbs 18:20). This week, look for opportunities to intentionally weave some of these ‘right words’ into your conversations and see the satisfaction it brings.    


Words are one of many ways to increase emotional intimacy in your marriage - check out other ways to do that!


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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