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4 Ways to Make Our Friendships Intentional

While we all have friendships, we must ask whether they are intentional. Check our four ways to make our friendships more intentional.

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While we all have friendships, not all are created equal. Are your relationships leading you in a purposeful direction, or are you leaving them to chance - not driving them in a way that will benefit one another?

The difference between good and great friendship is intentionality.

Here are four things you can do to add value and purpose to your friendships as a follower of Jesus.

1. Pray for each other

Prayer matters, and it makes a difference. If we love and care for the relationships in our lives, we should be intentionally asking God to work in their lives. 

We can pray for situations they are facing. We can ask God to give them wisdom, rest, healing, or to sense his closeness. And if we find ourselves not sure what to pray for - we should ask! Most times, our friends will be happy to let you know specifically.

2. Meet each other's real needs

Friends care for one another. As our friends have needs, we should be the first to step in and meet those needs. That can take shape in a variety of forms such as helping with financial hardship or stepping in to make a meal after sickness or surgery. On the other hand, it could look as simple as offering to babysit for a couple needing a night out together! 

To add intentionality to our friendships, we should help meet the needs we see in our friends' lives. 

3. Encourage each other

We all need cheerleaders. Who doesn't like being told they're doing a great job? Our world is becoming increasingly critical, and we are bombarded with messages that we aren't enough - smart enough, strong enough, or good-looking enough. 

Intentional relationships use words to speak life to those we love and value. So in order to take our friendships to the next level, don't hold back on the encouragement.

4. Challenge each other

This one can seem scary or counter-intuitive to encouragement, but it's not! Let's think back on the times we've grown the most - what was the catalyst? Perhaps it was a teacher in a school, a coach on a team, or a boss who saw potential in us. 

Real friends push one another to get better. They love us where we are but care too much about us to let us stay stuck. So let's not be afraid to call our friends up to a higher standard.


Meaningful friendships all start with intentionality. As we evaluate our circles, we should ask ourselves - do we have people with our best interest in mind? Do we have friends encouraging us to grow into our full God-intended potential?

If you sense a gap or could use a boost, join a Group! Groups are where we connect and grow with others around shared interests or topics. So plan to put yourself in spaces where you can find like-minded people.


If you're interested in other content about friendships, check out:

The Foolproof Guide to Pursuing Quality Friendships

Where Do We Get Our Wisdom From?

4 Ways to Help Your Child Build Healthy Friendships


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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