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7 Memorable Christmas Traditions to Try This Year

Check out these ideas on creating quality time as a family around Christmas!

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During the holidays, it can be hard to relax at home when there’s so much to be done, especially when you have a family. Whether it’s your first year as a parent or you’re looking to try a new tradition with your teenagers this year, we love the idea of being intentional about the time you spend together this season. Check out these ideas on creating quality time as a family, and know that whatever you choose to do, you can be encouraged by setting aside time to connect rather than striving for perfection.

Christmas Clean Up

If your toy chest could use some room, collect any toys or games you’re no longer using and donate them to a charity or simply another family who would enjoy playing with them. You can teach your kids about the value of giving to others while making room for any new toys that may be under your Christmas tree.

Walk Down Memory Lane

Spend time together looking through past holiday photos - from as far back as your childhood to just last year. Your family will love looking at how much has changed over time!

Tech Free Night

Put the phones, tablets, and TVs away for a night! Try a board game or a puzzle, or simply making dinner together. Add in some holiday cheer by reading the Christmas story

Family Wrapping

You’re never too young to learn how to wrap a present! Gather the family and set up an assembly line to wrap presents together. Assign someone to measure and cut the paper, someone to tape and fold it, someone to put a bow on, and someone to label it. Even if you’re using bags, you can assign everyone a job. Turn on your favorite Christmas tunes to add some cheer!

Super Sleepover

We love the idea of a family movie night! Take it up a notch by pulling out your sleeping bags to fall asleep to your favorite Christmas movies. Try inviting your extended family - nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, and other loved ones!

Cultured Cuisine

Create memories by theming your holiday meals after a specific culture or country! If you’re feeling adventurous, try different food from around the globe each year. If your culinary skills could use some work, consider eating international takeout when you host family or after Christmas Eve services. You’ll love having the time back with your family that you might have spent in the kitchen.

Throw a Party

After all, Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus’ birthday! Order a pizza, buy some cupcakes, and pick up some decorations. Top it all off by singing Happy Birthday!


What about the days following Christmas? Check out some ideas for Christmas break activities to keep everyone entertained and engaged through New Year's Day!


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ, and we are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. We’d love to see you this weekend at one of our locations, or for Christmas At LCBC gatherings.

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