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How You Can Be the Person Everyone Remembers (In the Best Way)

How can we be the kind of people who leave a lasting positive influence? It starts with asking 4 simple, powerful questions.

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Think about a time when someone made you feel truly seen. When they remembered your name, asked about your life, encouraged you in a way that stuck with you. That person probably made a lasting impact on your life and influenced who you are today.  

Everyone should have a person they remember like this. And you have the ability to create those moments for the people around you, too! 

Everybody deserves to be seen the way Jesus sees them. So how can we be the kind of people who make others feel seen and valued, who leave a lasting positive influence? It starts with asking four simple but powerful questions: 

1. Do I know their name? 

Using someone’s name is one of the easiest ways to show them they matter. It’s a small act with a big impact. Just think about how it feels when someone remembers yours! Calling someone by their name isn’t just polite, it’s a way of saying, “You’re important to me.” 

2. Do I know what matters to them? 

Children love to talk to the grown-ups in their life about the things they’re excited about – whether it’s a tv show, an animal, or a hobby. And as repetitive as these conversations can feel as adults, we know that by taking an interest in what kids are talking about, it shows them that we care about them. 

The desire to feel known doesn’t fade away as we grow up. People still have interests and passions, and we all long for a place to express them. When you take an interest in what interests someone else, it shows them that you care.  

Think of the people you interact with. Do you know what brings them joy? What keeps them up at night? Who they spend time with? Understanding these things helps build trust and genuine connection. Here are some questions that can help you get to know the people in your life on a deeper level.  

3. Do I know their story? 

As humans, we have a natural fascination with back stories. Movies like “Wicked” and “The Joker” are so popular because they show us how they became notorious villains. Some people have a morbid fascination with serial killer documentaries because it’s interesting – albeit disturbing – to learn how they became cold-blooded killers.  

Everyone has a back story that shapes who they are. And while villains and serial killers are a more negative example, there’s a lot to gain from learning someone’s history.  

Our life stories shape who we are. There are people and events that influenced the trajectory of your life – and the same is true for others. When you take the time to learn someone’s struggles, victories, and dreams you gain the unique ability to speak hope and life into them because you understand where they’ve been. 

4. Do I know what they can do? 

People often need someone to believe in their potential before they see it in themselves. When you recognize and call out the strengths in others, you help them step into who they were created to be. Jesus did this all the time. He saw beyond people’s pasts and into their possibilities. 

Getting to know people can help them know Jesus 

At the end of the day, making the extra effort to know someone’s name, story, passions, and potential are the stepping stones to point them to Jesus. We reflect God’s love by showing genuine care. And the more we do that, the more people will begin to see that they are deeply known and valued by God himself.  

The way we engage with others – our attention, encouragement, and belief in them – can be a powerful example of the way Jesus sees and loves us all. And the best part? It’s something you can start doing today. Who in your life could use a reminder that they matter? 


Our words can be a powerful influence on the relationships in our lives. Here are 3 things to think about before you speak.  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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