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Is Isolation Holding You Back?

Do you ever feel like the work of finding community isn’t worth the risk of pain and rejection?

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It’s vulnerable to trust other people, especially when you’ve spent so much of your life resigned to the idea that you simply don’t belong. It often feels easier to walk away and go it alone than to dig in and do it together. Do you ever feel like the work of finding community and caring for others or a purpose beyond yourself isn’t worth the risk of pain and rejection? 

The lie of isolation 

One of the main reasons we distance ourselves from others and try to make our own way is because of lingering hurt from the past. You’ve probably felt the sting of rejection at some point in your life – and that pain can be unbearable at times. It makes us risk-averse, shying away from any situation that might force us to let other people in. 

But this way of living can only hold up for so long. Eventually, our hesitation to open up and find community and connection stunts our relationships. Avoiding a team mindset costs us success and fulfillment in our careers. It creates distance between the ones who love us most, like our family and friends.  

What do all these scenarios have in common? Isolation doesn’t just hurt us – it hurts other people, too. When we fall for the lie that we’re better off alone, we’re held back in just about every area of life. 

The reality of connection 

The reason we isolate ourselves and protect ourselves up from vulnerability ultimately comes from an underlying belief that we don’t deserve to feel connected, like we’re part of something bigger and more purposeful. We allow the mistakes and regrets of our past to define our worth in the present.  

But here’s the truth: God’s grace covers our past—all our regrets and mess-ups that make us feel rejectable. In Jeremiah 31:3, he says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” And Romans 8:1 reassures us, “there is now no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”  

With Jesus, not only can you be forgiven from your past, you can belong. God is offering you acceptance, inviting you to be part of his family. You are truly welcome and have a place to belong in the kingdom of God. 

So what could happen if you finally realized you’re not alone? What if you stopped letting your failures and insecurities define your belonging? 

  • You’ll find your purpose. God wants to do something in your life. He can change the world through you, and following him will lead you to the potential he’s waiting for you to discover.  
  • You’ll know the support of community. Hardships don’t feel quite as hard when you have a community around you.  
  • Your relationships will get better. Just like God wants you to embrace belonging in his family, embracing belonging in your other relationships will help you grow closer and have a stronger bond with the important people around you.  

Don’t go it alone 

Don’t let the fear of vulnerability keep you isolated. Embrace the truth that you belong and have a vital role to play in God’s family. Together we are stronger, and life’s toughest moments are more bearable. Choose to lean in, trust, and be part of something greater.  

A great way to lean into community and belonging is to join a Group. In a Group, you’ll meet people you have something in common with, like a shared interest or stage of life, and grow deeper in your relationship with God and each other. 

Another way to find belonging is to Serve. Serving helps you identify what God created you to do, and gives you the chance to do it alongside others who want to make a difference.  


It can be hard to overcome the lies from our past. Here’s more encouragement on how to move on from your past and embrace a more hopeful future.  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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