Over the month of August, we spent time as a church diving into the book of Proverbs. As we head into the fall, we’re feeling inspired by one passage in particular from Proverbs 4:25-27:
“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.”
The message is clear: Stay Focused. With so much going on around us this fall, it could be easy to get distracted—but we’re not taking the bait. Our goal as a church remains the same: to keep our eyes on Jesus, who he is, and the mission he’s called us to.
In a divided and fearful world, we, as followers of Jesus, get to show what unity looks like. We get to shine with confidence in a God who’s in control. And as we do, God will work in new ways, and we’ll see more lives changed by Christ, broken relationships restored, and even more people experiencing the hope of God. Here’s what we’re doing as a church to stay focused over the next few months:
Our Roadmap for Fall 2024
All Month | Weekend Series: Jesus In His Own Words
You’ve heard what people say about Jesus. But when's the last time you went straight to the source? Say goodbye to your hand-me-down understanding and discover the real Jesus - in his own words.
Starting Sept. 22-28 | New Groups Content: Faith, Fear, and Politics
We have brand-new groups content called, Faith, Fear, and Politics, where we’ll explore the balance between political convictions and compassion for others. Find or start your group at: LCBCchurch.com/GroupFinder
Sept. 24 | New Live Changed Podcast Episode: How do faith and politics intersect?
How do our faith and politics intersect? Election day is getting close and we’re diving into some of the most common questions you’re asking about faith and politics on the Live Changed Podcast.
Subscribe today: LCBCchurch.com/LiveChanged
All Month | Weekend Series: Not Up For Debate
If we're following Jesus, we're called to live differently - and there are some things that aren't up for debate. He’s not asking us to be perfect, but he is challenging us to take steps toward the life he knows we’re capable of living. With his help, we can be people known for deep trust, bold love, and a steady hope that doesn’t shift with the times.
Oct. 29-Nov. 4 | 24/7 Week of Prayer
In the book of Philippians, Paul said it best, “Be anxious about nothing, instead pray about everything.” Let's each commit to a 10-minute slot to pray together as a church during the week leading up to the presidential election.
Check it out at: LCBCchurch.com/WeekOfPrayer
All Month
By making the love of Jesus easy to see, we create positive change in our communities and build a better world. This month we’ll come together to:
- Unleash generosity by raising funds for local and global partners as we support the amazing work they’re doing.
- Assemble and deliver thousands of Hope Packs to prisons across the state as we show them God’s love.
- Serve with local partners and meet needs in our local community.
Oct. 29-Nov.4 | 24/7 Week of Prayer
In the book of Philippians, Paul said it best, “Be anxious about nothing, instead pray about everything.” Let's each commit to a 10-minute slot to pray together as a church during the week leading up to the presidential election.
Check it out at: LCBCchurch.com/WeekOfPrayer
Nov. 3 | Worship Night
We’re coming together for a night of music and prayer across our locations where we’ll fix our hearts on Jesus and his power!
Find times and locations here: LCBCchurch.com/WorshipNight
Nov. 9-11 | Baptism Weekend
We love celebrating stories of life change, it’s the reason we exist! Hear countless stories of the way God is changing lives at our church.
We don’t have to settle for simply getting through this Fall. Make it a priority to be involved, seek Jesus together, and watch what God does in our midst!
Lastly, we want to leave you with a simple resource to keep our vision for fall close. Save this phone wallpaper, make it your lock screen, and keep this inspiration in front of you as we dive into the important work God’s doing in our church this season!