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Bible Reading / It's a Trap!

Day 4 | The Apathy Trap


We are bombarded with bad news every day, with headlines and social media posts that make us aware of every single tragedy happening near and far. We can grow numb to the needs around us, but this can inadvertently harm ourselves and those around us

Compassion fatigue, which happens when we are overwhelmed by the relentlessness of the needs surrounding us, can lead to apathy - indifference toward the needs of others. The lack of emotional connection that develops when apathy and compassion fatigue creep in can lead us to isolate ourselves and stop using our skills and resources to serve others.

Apathy prevents us from seeing needs and gets in the way of us doing something to help. Instead, we must choose to pursue a life of purpose and passion. The Bible is full of verses calling us to be actively involved in showing God’s grace and love to others. 

Instead of getting bogged down by everything happening in the world, think about the issues God wired you to feel a burden for - the race he's called you to run. How has he uniquely created you to help? This enables us to feel deeply about the pain which is so prevalent in our world while still allowing God to use us to bring healing and peace to others. Don’t give up! 
