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Bible Reading / It's a Trap!

Day 5 | The Insecurity Trap


Everyone has insecurities. If you don’t think so, the trap of insecurity has blinded you to reality. Even the people who seem the most confident have insecurities, they’ve just learned how to deal with those insecurities well (or how to hide them). 

But no matter what influencers, entrepreneurs, or motivational speakers say, No amount of positive self-talk or self-love will heal the deep pain and longing that is in each of us. Only seeing ourselves as God sees us can save us from our insecurities. 

Insecurity undermines our sense of identity and worth. While we can mask that insecurity with achievement, money, relationships, and myriad other temporary things, those masks do not deal with the root cause of insecurity – we are broken and messy, and desperately in need of saving grace that only comes from our creator. 

Let's escape the trap of insecurity by embracing the truth of our identity as fearfully and wonderfully made by God. As we anchor our worth in him, may we find freedom from insecurity and confidence in his perfect love for us, allowing his truth to define our sense of self.
