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Bible Reading / Jesus (In His Own Words)

Day 3 | "I Am the Gate"


In biblical times, shepherds would literally sleep across the entrance of a sheep pen, acting as the door to protect the sheep. This was to keep the sheep inside the pen where they’d be out of harm's way from predators and other dangers out in the open. The sheep get to go about their night sleeping and grazing, blissfully unaware of the perils beyond the walls of their pen. 

When Jesus calls himself “the gate,” he’s telling us he’s the one who stands between us and danger, offering us safety and security. This isn’t a life of restriction, but one where we get to experience real freedom – freedom to know God, to live with purpose, and to find rest in his presence. Jesus is the way into that kind of life, and he promises that when we come to him, we’ll find good things waiting for us. 

What are the “gates” in your life that you’ve been walking through? Are they leading you closer to God or pulling you away? Today, take a moment to thank Jesus for being the gate that leads to real life and ask him to help you walk through it every day. 

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being the gate that keeps me out of harm’s way. Help me trust you to guide me and protect me, keeping me away from the things that will be detrimental to my wellbeing. Show me how to live in the freedom you offer. 
