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Bible Reading / Jesus (In His Own Words)

Day 4 | "I Am the Vine"


On a grapevine, branches can only grow and produce fruit when they’re connected to the vine. If they’re cut off, they wither. Jesus is saying that our lives work the same way. When we stay connected to him, we can thrive. But if we try to go it alone, we’ll struggle to experience the full life God has for us. 

Remaining in Jesus means trusting him in every area of our lives: our relationships, our decisions, our struggles. It’s about letting his love and truth shape who we are and how we live. And when we do that, we’ll start to see fruit – things like joy, peace, kindness, and patience – show up in our lives in ways we couldn’t manufacture on our own. 

Take a moment today to reflect on how connected you feel to Jesus right now. Are there any areas where you’ve been trying to handle things on your own? Ask him to help you stay rooted in him, trusting that his way leads to growth and fruitfulness in every season. 

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being the true vine that gives me life and strength. Help me stay connected to you, even when life feels overwhelming. I want to bear fruit that comes from living close to you. Teach me to trust in you more deeply today. 
