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Bible Reading / Live Like Jesus

Day 2 | Forgiveness Like Jesus

Read: Colossians 3:13

We need to forgive others if we expect to be forgiven - a truth that says easy but does hard. Many of us can hold a grudge much longer than we'd like to admit! And it's easy to justify that certain people don’t “deserve” to be forgiven. 

It’s important to remember that forgiving someone doesn't mean you are saying that what they did to you was okay, nor does it mean that the scars of that trauma are suddenly gone. Forgiving also doesn't mean reopening yourself to victimization. However, it does mean that you don’t seek revenge. You leave whatever happened in the hands of God, and you move on.

Sometimes, forgiving others isn't the issue - it's forgiving ourselves. We have an easier time giving grace to others but struggle when it comes to our personal slip-ups. Remember that Jesus sets the standard for forgiveness, not us, and it's an even playing field! 

God extends his forgiveness to us, and we are called to do the same for others (and ourselves). No matter what we're holding onto, extending forgiveness is how we mirror the grace we have received. 
