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Bible Reading / Live Like Jesus

Day 3 | Honesty Like Jesus

Read: Ephesians 4:25

Many of us struggle to be genuine in a world that comes down harshly on those who don’t “fit in.” Some of us learn to be people-pleasers; we say what we think others want to hear instead of speaking candidly. Bit by bit, we trade our true selves for something we think is more socially acceptable. If you think about it though, shouldn’t we prefer what’s acceptable to God?

As followers of Jesus, honesty should characterize our interactions with others. We must commit to truthfulness, just as Jesus spoke truthfully and authentically during his ministry on Earth. Are there areas in your life where you may be tempted to lie or withhold the truth? How can we choose honesty as we strive to reflect the character of Christ? What do the small white lies or half-truths do to our character?

Honesty is powerful. It can be challenging to deliver with sensitivity, but it is possible when our motives are pure. Jesus didn’t shy away from plainly speaking hard truths, but his reason for doing so was always the spiritual development of the people around him. We aren’t Jesus, and we need to tread carefully if we feel the urge to call out someone’s flaws. But when we can speak truth in an uplifting way, we can help one another stay on track.
