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Read Romans 12:10

Outdo One Another
What does it mean to honor someone?

There could be lots of ways to define that, but perhaps the simplest is the idea of holding someone in high regard; showing someone you value and respect them.

If you had an “honored guest” in your home, you’d certainly go out of your way to serve that person. You’d want to take care of them and show them they mattered to you. You’d greet them at the door, you’d take their coat…you’d maybe even use the good dishes.

You’d want to serve that person and show them honor through your actions.

What if we showed honor like that to everyone? What if we “took delight in honoring each other?”

The English Standard Version translates that phrase as “outdo one another in showing honor.” Imagine a relationship consisting of two people who were in a (friendly) competition to see who could honor the other person more!

That would be pretty counter-cultural. And probably pretty awesome.
