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Bible Reading / Seeking God

Day 3 | Seeking God's Peace

Read: Philippians 4:6-7Psalm 46:10Matthew 11:28-30

God's peace surpasses all understanding and guards our hearts and minds. But we must genuinely seek him and make time for his peace to overshadow the worries of our hurried days. He tells us to be still in his presence and truly know in our hearts who he is. And then, we can talk to him about anything and everything, knowing that he hears us and offers his peace in response as we wait for his will to be done.

It can be difficult to find that stillness. Life is just so busy! Our kids need our attention, our boss needs us to take on another responsibility, our car needs a repair, our spouse wants a date night...Like a storm, life’s demands constantly swirl around us, making us overwhelmed and exhausted. But Jesus gives us rest. He can calm the storm. (He literally did this in a boat with his disciples! The wind and waves obeyed his command and they calmed.)

So how much could our faith in Jesus work to calm our own storms? All we have to do is give him space in our lives to bring us peace amidst the chaos. Today, consider ways you can make space in your life to be still and spend focused time with God every day.
