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Bible Reading / Seeking God

Day 4 | Seeking God's Contentment

Read: Matthew 6:25-33Matthew 6:19-21

In our world, it's easy to become hyper-focused on what we wish we had. We wish we could be like the others - the people who seem happier than us because they have something we don’t. This steals our joy.

Contentment is a gift that God gives us to help combat this struggle. True contentment comes from trusting in God's ability to take care of us and being grateful for what we have. God reminds us that we should not worry about whether we have enough food or the prettiest clothes to wear because he provides everything we truly need to live the life he has planned for us. Notice that says “need,” not “want.” He may not give us what we want if it’s not within his will for our lives.

So today, consider cultivating a heart of gratitude and contentment, knowing that God supplies all our needs. Start your day thanking God for something specific. Start a conversation with a friend on all God has done for you. Start a gratitude journal. Just start saying thanks to God.
