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Bible Reading / Stories of Prayer in the Bible

Day 7 | David's Prayer for Forgiveness

Read: Psalm 51 

One incredible thing about God’s mercy is that, no matter how big a mistake we’ve made, nothing can keep us from being able to come to him with our prayers. And whatever you’ve done, King David has probably done worse. 

He screwed up big time. To make a long story short, David saw a gorgeous woman and decided to sleep with her even though he knew she was married. But she wasn’t married to just anyone – no, she was married to one of David’s soldiers, who was also one of his good friends. When she got pregnant, David panicked and made plans for her husband to be sent to the front lines of battle, where he was ultimately killed.  

Psalm 51 shows us David’s heartfelt prayer of repentance. He asked God for mercy, and for his help getting back on track. When we sin, we can approach God and ask him for forgiveness. And with David’s life as an example, we know God is ready and willing to provide it – and to restore us in the process. 
