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Bible Reading / What's Your Identity in Christ?

You Are Made With a Purpose

PSA 139:13, 1COR 12:27, JER 29:11, JHN 15:16

Read: Psalm 139:13, 1 Corinthians 12:27, Jeremiah 29:11, John 15:16

God didn’t just slap you together – if you remember what we read in Psalm 139 yesterday, you were carefully woven together. God designed you with a specific purpose in mind. He has a plan for your life involving your unique abilities, skills, and traits. Nothing about you is a mistake! 

God created and chose you for something important, and he has a purpose for every day you’ll spend on this earth. Today, think about the things that make you who you are: your passions, your interests, your skills and talents. Ask God to show you the purpose he had in mind when he created you. 
