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Bible Reading / What's Your Identity in Christ?

How to Find Your Identity in Christ

PROV 30:5, PSA 139

Read: Proverbs 30:5, Psalm 139

It’s tempting to base your identity in Christ on the things you do: going to church, reading the Bible, etc. While these are good things, they can’t determine our identity because, at the end of the day, they’re things we accomplish.  

To understand your identity in Christ, you first need to understand how he sees you and who he says you are. An identity based in God’s truth will not falter, because his word is flawless and trustworthy. 

In the coming days, we’ll explore some truths from the Bible about our identity in Christ. Today, though, take a moment to read Psalm 139 and write down some things you notice about who God says you are. 
