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Bible Reading / Who God Says You Are

Day 4 | You are Forgiven

Read: Ephesians 1:7-8Psalm 103:7-14

Some questions are hard to answer. It’s difficult to know all the causes of a conflict between countries, or even within a marriage. There are nuances to every motive, thought, and emotion. But there are some things we can know for sure: 2+2 is four, the sun will rise in the east, and you are forgiven.

Sometimes that last one feels like it’s in the wrong category, as if it is something that we can’t really know for sure. Our sin seems too big. Too unforgivable.

The truth is that God loves us so much he sent his Son Jesus to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus is the perfect sacrifice. He never sinned, and so his sacrifice didn’t need to cover his own sin – there wasn’t any; it is all for us. When we believe, God takes our sin away. He moves it so far that it will never touch us again. Will east ever touch west? West is always west of east. 2+2 is 4. You are forgiven.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for this overwhelming kindness, that I am forgiven because of what Jesus did on my behalf. When doubts come in and when I wonder if it’s true, remind me that I am forgiven. Amen
