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Bible Reading / Who God Says You Are

Day 5 | You are Known

Read: Psalm 139:1-4

In life, many of us are afraid of people seeing who we really are, but what we want more than anything is for people to know who we really are. God created us for connection, friendship, and family, whether that is biological family or chosen family. We weren’t created to live alone day after day and year after year. The sad truth is that many of us live amongst other people but never let anyone see us, really see us, because we’re afraid they won’t love us anymore.

God sees you. God knows you. God is not put off by your quirks; he created them. He is not afraid of your questions. He is not disgusted by your mistakes, even the ones that you swore you’d never make again.

Everything about us is exposed. There are no secrets with God. But instead of making us feel vulnerable, we know we are safe with God. He chose us, he created us to be his masterpiece, he loves us, and he forgives us.

Prayer: Dear God, I know I can rest in you. You made me, you chose me, you love me, you forgive me, and you know me. I am unbelievably blessed! Amen.
