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4 Ways to Stay Connected While Social Distancing

We weren’t created to do life alone. Check out 4 ways to stay connected in this season, even when social distancing.

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As we all make the wise decision to listen to our leaders and practice social distancing in the midst of COVID-19, even those of us who are introverts are sure to experience feelings of isolation. We weren’t created to do life alone—and the good news is that we don’t have to, even in the midst of this detour. Check out 4 ways to stay connected in this season, even when social distancing.

1. Do things with your friends—digitally!

One of the best things about technology is that it connects us all, and there are dozens of ways to “hang out” with friends and family without ever leaving your home! Check out Netflix Party, where you can watch a movie with other people in real time and chat together. Or host a Virtual Trivia Night, plan questions ahead of time, create a Facebook Event, and have your friends submit their responses by taking a photo of them on paper and commenting in the event. Find ways to have fun together in a virtual way until we can be in the same room together safely again.

2. Send snail mail

This one may seem old fashioned, but now is the perfect time to slow down and write some cards or letters. When is the last time you received a handwritten letter stamped and addressed to you in your mailbox? Do you remember how fun it was to open to up and see what was inside? Create that feeling for someone else—whether it’s a grandparent whose living alone right now who would love to hear from you, a younger cousin or niece or nephew who would love to get a picture made just for them, or a longtime friend who you haven’t had a chance to talk to in a while, take a few minutes to sit down, create, and send something to them.

3. Keep in touch via video

Instead of sending another “How are you doing?” text message, opt for video! Apps like Marco Polo allow you to send pre-recorded video messages back and forth without them disappearing after you’ve watched them (kind of like texting with video chat). FaceTime a friend while you’re both sipping your a virtual coffee date! Or use video chats like ZoomGoogle Hangouts, or Facebook Messenger to chat with a bunch of people at a time. And if you’re looking to make new connections right now, it’s the perfect time to join a Group! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to see and talk to each other face-to-face. 

4. Do a Bible Reading Plan together

Use this time to dive into God’s Word together using YouVersion’s Bible Reading Plans. Download the YouVersion App on iPhone or Android or use, invite your friends, and you can all do a reading plan together on the same schedule. There’s even a chat feature that allows you to talk about what you’re reading and share observations! Jumping into a plan together might just be the best thing for you and the people you love right now. Check out the plans we recommend on our list of resources to lean into during times of uncertainty if you need somewhere to start. 

Remember that we always have the opportunity to connect—no matter where we are or what we’re going through. Don’t let yourself get too isolated.. Now is the perfect time to make the decision to get in an Online Group, be intentional about your relationships, and keep checking in on your neighbors and in your community

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