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5 Ideas for Making the Most of Christmas Break

Here are some suggestions for having a fun Christmas break that helps your kids make lasting, meaningful memories!

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Christmas is almost here! And for many families, this means extra time at home with our kids. All of this extra time can mean fun, excitement, and opportunities to make memories. It can also mean feeling pressured to do the latest and greatest activities, or hearing the dreaded, “I’m bored!”  

Here are some suggestions for having a fun, drama-free Christmas break that helps your kids make lasting, meaningful memories! 

Don’t over-schedule it 

It can be tempting to want to keep up with social media expectations or fit in all the seasonal celebrations. But that’s a recipe for burnout, tantrums, and more! 

Instead of packing your schedule full, make a list of activities that are available and pick a few to spread out over the break. Give your kids an opportunity to play at home, relax, and connect as a family without the pressure of getting to the next thing. 

Allow your kids to be bored 

It can be tempting to give our kids something to do to fill every moment, especially if it means avoiding the dreaded, “I’m bored!” But boredom is an opportunity for your kids to use their imaginations and creativity to fill their time!  

If your kids are struggling with boredom, give them a set time to play by themselves. Use a timer (like a sand timer, microwave clock, or phone alarm) to let your kids know how long they need to play independently before doing the next planned activity. Odds are, when the timer goes off your kids will want to keep on playing! 

Plan a fun evening in 

You can make the most of the extra time at home with a themed evening that your kids will remember for years to come! Try one of these fun activities: 

  • Plan a movie night with pillows and blankets on the floor. Prepare for the evening by listening to the movie soundtrack together! (Don’t forget the popcorn!) 
  • Host a game night with everyone’s favorite snacks! Take turns playing everyone’s favorite board games. 
  • Have a fancy dinner! Invite the whole family to dress to the nines and enjoy dinner together at the table. Make it more fun by asking your kids to help prepare the meal, too! 
  • Have a family dance party! Push back the furniture and dance the night away to your favorite kidVenture Island Songs on Spotify. 

Serve others 

Set aside some time to live generously and meet needs in your community. You might try one of these activities: 

  • Make homemade cards for residents of a local retirement home 
  • Bake homemade dog treats for the local animal shelter 
  • Collect unused toys and clothing to donate to those in need 
  • Write letters to local first responders 
  • Deliver donuts or baked goods to the staff at a local hospital  

These acts of service will cure boredom, but they’ll also teach your child the value of being a light to others by serving them! 

Help them build their faith habits 

Lastly, find ways to grow your faith as you are together as a family. Consider starting a Family Bible Reading Plan or watching your child’s kidVenture Island content together.  Continue to grow in your faith by praying as a family and write down what you talk to God about. 

Have fun, grow in your relationships together, and deepen your family’s faith together as you celebrate this extra time together! 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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