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5 Ways to Beat Loneliness This Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day isn't limited to romantic love - discover how you can spread love this Valentine's Day no matter your relationship status!

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When we think of Valentine’s Day, most of us jump to couple-centric activities like candle-lit dinner dates, gift exchanges, and more. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, it can be easy to skip the celebrations entirely. After all, how does a single person fit in on a holiday that seems to be for couples only?

Let’s zero in on what this day is really celebrating: not couples, but love. And the Bible has a lot to say on that topic! 1 John 4:16 says that “God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.” Jesus himself commands us to love one another in John 13:34 and reminds us that our love for others will demonstrate that we are His followers in verse 35.

Love isn’t limited to romantic love, even on Valentine’s Day. Love is demonstrated by what we do and give, not what we say and have. Here are a few ways you can show love to others this Valentine’s Day, regardless of your relationship status:

Host a Valentine’s Day dinner party

Nothing brings people together like food! Have some friends over and prepare a menu of Valentine’s Day-inspired food or pick a different theme to run with. If you’re not as confident in the kitchen, make it a potluck instead and encourage everyone to bring something to share.

Send cards to a nursing home or hospital

Pick up a box of valentines or make your own if you’re feeling crafty! Add a short, encouraging message that will comfort whoever reads it. It may seem simple, but a small gesture like this could mean a lot for someone who might be feeling lonely or forgotten on Valentine’s Day.

Connect in a Group

Not only do Groups make it easier to beat loneliness, they’re also a great way to find opportunities to serve. Together, your Group can help a local organization, or find opportunities to serve together at church. Check out our Group Finder to connect with a Group near you!

Give someone a genuine compliment

Doesn’t it make you feel like a million bucks when a stranger surprises you with a compliment? Be the bright spot in someone else’s day by commenting on something you’re noticing and appreciating about them. Maybe they let you move in front of them in the grocery aisle, or they’re just having a really good hair day. Keep an eye out for the positives in the people you interact with and call them out when you see them.

Share love by serving

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about receiving love - it’s also about giving love. Serving is a great way to make others feel seen and appreciated, and it can also be an awesome way to connect with other people over a shared interest or passion. Whether you love to bake, make music, or make people feel welcome, there’s a way for you to take your next step to serve at LCBC!It’s tempting to sit out Valentine’s Day if we’re worried about feeling lonely or rejected. But instead of waiting for someone to notice us or show us love, we have the option to act and share love with someone else. If we look for ways we can give, we can also find the joy that Christ talks about in Luke 6:38: “Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full – pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” In choosing to demonstrate love to others this Valentine’s Day, you will more than likely experience deeper love yourself.


Looking for more ways to connect with others this time of year? Take a look at some resources that will help you find your people and connect in a Group:

The Foolproof Guide to Pursuing Quality Friendships

5 Mental Health Benefits of Being in a Group

Overcoming Your Hesitations About Starting a Group


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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