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Overcoming Your Hesitations About Starting a Group

Have you been thinking about starting your own Group for a while, but are a little unsure if you're qualified, or have the time?

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Jesus chose to do life with others. The Church has always been a place for people to gather, connect, and grow together. Joining or starting a Group is a great next step for pursuing a deeper, richer faith.

You may have browsed our Group Finder and have found that the Groups you’re interested in meeting are too far from your area, or the studies aren’t a fit for your stage of life. Someone may be waiting for a Group to start near them- why not start a Group of your own?

Starting a Group is a fulfilling experience, and you may feel led to take the plunge to be a leader, but you may have hesitations, such as:

“I’m not qualified”

The idea of starting a Group may be overwhelming. You may have doubts about your abilities as a leader or worries about the unknown of what’s involved with caring for people.

Remember what’s true about you and your calling - you’ve been given gifts to help build God’s Kingdom. Leading a Group is about helping people connect and take the next step. Are any of these characteristics true of you: Caring, outgoing, empathetic? If you have any one of those you can make a great leader!

LCBC is passionate about raising up leaders who are growing in their faith and competencies. You’re not in this alone! We’ll be with you every step of the way.

If you’re passionate about a particular interest like photography, yoga, or cooking, you could start an interest-based Group in your area. Ask some friends to join your Group; chances are, they know people you haven’t met yet with the same interests!

Or maybe you’re interested in diving into a specific study; consider starting a group around a book that interests you and invite others that are in a similar stage of life or going through similar difficulties. 

“I don’t have time”

Between work, family, sports, appointments, and homework, how will you ever find the time to lead a Group?

Starting a Group isn’t just another thing to add to an already full calendar, it’s an opportunity to connect with others on a similar journey and together grow in your relationship with Jesus. Those in your Group are busy, too. Why not create a space where they can recharge, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and be uplifted by a supportive community after a busy week? That is worth prioritizing, even if it means sacrificing a couple of hours of Netflix on a Sunday evening.

“I don’t have a great space to host”

Perhaps your apartment is on the small side, or the parking situation in your neighborhood isn’t ideal for hosting.

That’s okay! Many Groups are hosted online, or onsite at an LCBC location. Take advantage of the nice weather and bring your group to the great outdoors! You could opt to meet at a local coffee shop, or ask a friend if they’d be interested in joining your Group and make the big ask for them to host. They may be willing to host as long as they don’t have to lead (or clean up after!)

“It’s too much commitment”

We ask first-time Group leaders to commit to 4-6 weeks, so if you find it’s not working after this period, you’re not locked in forever and ever! Pray and ask God to help you make the most of this time as you journey through the semester together. You will get out of the Group what you put into it, so lean in and invest in your Group.

Ready to get started?

We’re here to support you in any way we can to make your group a success. We’ll equip you with training and resources to raise you up to be the best leader you can be! We encourage you to lean into what God is calling you to do in this season. Pray and ask him if starting a Group is the right step for you. You just might find your people. Start your own group today!

If you're interested in other resources about groups, check out:

5 Answers to Groups at LCBC FAQsHow to Start A Group in 5 Easy StepsHow to Get the Most Out of Your Group

LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ, and we're one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania with a mission to introduce people to Jesus and together fully follow him. To learn more about Groups and why we value them, visit

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