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5 Ways Your Kids + Students Can Invite Friends to At The Movies

At The Movies is the perfect time to invite someone. Here are 5 ways your kids and students can invite friends!

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Our kids and students will get to experience At The Movies in kidVenture Island and Collide! This is the perfect opportunity for our kids and students to connect with their friends over the summer and invite them to a meaningful experience. Here are 5 ways to help your kids and students invite others to At The Movies: 

1. Movie snack packs

Create a basket full of movie theater inspired treats like popcorn and candy boxes. (Don't forget to print and fill out an invite card to At The Movies!) Your kids can hand these out to their friends, making it a delicious way to spread the word.

2. Sidewalk chalk invites 

Get creative with sidewalk chalk and write around your neighborhood Draw buckets of popcorn and movie tickets around it to spark curiosity! 

3. DIY movie posters

Your kids can draw or use a computer to design posters featuring fun characters, scenes from their favorite movies, and details about At The Movies. Hang them around the house and show them off the next time friends come over!

4. Set up a lemonade stand

This is a fun way for your kids to make some extra change and invite neighbors and friends to At The Movies: set up a lemonade stand and attach an invitation to every cup of lemonade sold!

5. Handwritten notes

Encourage your kids to write personal, handwritten notes to their friends. (Or help them write one if they aren't old enough!) A short, heartfelt message inviting them to At The Movies can be very impactful! They can decorate the notes with stickers or drawings of their favorite movie characters.

Encouraging Meaningful Invitations

When something is meaningful to us, we naturally want to share it with others. Sit down as a family and make a list of people you'd like to invite. Then, choose one of these creative ideas to spread the word. Let's help our kids and students make lasting memories this summer by inviting their friends to At The Movies!

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