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6 Unique Ways to Celebrate Easter With Your Kids

If you’re looking for a new and different tradition to start this year, check out 6 unique ways to celebrate Easter with your kids!

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You’ve seen the egg hunts, the baskets, the chocolate bunnies, and the flowing pastels. Celebrating Easter with kids is always fun (cue dressing them up and sending them out to find eggs!)—but if you’re looking for a new and different tradition to start this year, check out 6 unique ways to celebrate Easter with your kids!

1. Try Out Your Green Thumb

The story of Easter revolves around new life, so why not take this opportunity to plant some new life yourself? As simple or complicated as you want to make it, spend some time gardening or even just planting a couple flowers with your kids as you explain about seeds, soil, and growth. Whether they find it fascinating or just like getting their hands a little dirty, it’s a tradition you can keep up as you watch the flowers bloom each spring. You can order your supplies on Amazon, Walmart or another online retailer.

2. Have Egg Fights

If you’ve never heard of this English folk tradition, it’s a lot less messy than it sounds! Hard-boil eggs—as many as you need to give each person their own—and then spend time decorating and coloring them so everyone has their own unique egg. When your “fighters” are ready, take turns tapping the pointed ends of your egg against your opponents’, with the goal being to crack their shell without cracking your own. Keep “fighting” until there’s only one egg standing! Have a prize ready for the strongest egg.

3. Follow A Trail

This is a simple way to make Easter morning a little more fun. If you make up Easter baskets for your kids, surprise them by creating trails from the door of their room to their basket. You can use jelly beans, gummy bears, even colorful pieces of paper if you want to keep it pet-friendly. Watch the joy on the faces of your kids as they open their doors in the morning and follow the trail to their basket.

4. Make Easter Breakfast

Breakfast is the perfect time to go all out! Create a new way to celebrate by playing up the festivities of Easter on a plate. Create bunny pancakes, Easter colored scrambled eggs, and pastries shaped like Easter eggs! Have the whole family jump in to help and spend quality time together as you make something you’ll all enjoy.

5. Take A Natural Spin on Egg Dyeing

Get crafty without the chemicals—gather supplies and dye some eggs with your kids the natural way, using ingredients you have around your house. Beets give you a deep purple, turmeric is great for creating mustard yellow, and get your eggs green by using spinach! Check out the process to get each color just right, and rest easy knowing your kids’ mouths won’t be blue if they decide to snack on the eggs later!

6. Go to Church as a Family

We would love to have your family join us at Easter At LCBC! Kids will celebrate Easter in kidVenture Island, and students 5th-12th Grade will attend the main gathering. Find a gathering near you and send digital invites at

However you celebrate your Easter this year, we hope your time spent with friends and family is fun, festive, and maybe even a little unique!  

LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ, and we are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Join us for Easter At LCBC, happening in-person and online! Visit to learn more.

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