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A Parent's Guide to At The Movies

Kids and students get to join in on the fun, too! Here's how to help them make the most of At The Movies.

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This month, we’re heading into our At The Movies series - this series has become a fun tradition at LCBC where we watch clips from popular movies and talk about how they can teach us to live the best life.

As we head into July, we hope you’ll encourage your kid (Grades K-4) or student (Grades 5-12) to engage with At The Movies and learn along with us! 

Below you’ll find 3 ways you can encourage your kid or student to get the most out of At The Movies.

1. Get involved and get to a gathering!

Leading up to July, you can have your kids join you for a volunteer opportunity to transform the atrium into a movie set! They’ll get to immerse themselves in the experience and be a part of life change. Plus, they’ll be so excited to show off what part of the set they helped make happen when At The Movies comes around.

The simplest (and most important) part of being engaged in At The Movies is helping your kids and students show up! If you attend a regular gathering on the weekend, encourage them to join you (this means getting out of bed!).

Grades K-4 will have their own At The Movies gatherings in kidVenture Island, as well as Collide (Grades 5-8). HSM (High School Ministry) students will join our main gathering environment and learn along with you! Get them excited about being a part of the fun - it shouldn’t be too hard to convince them to watch movies, eat popcorn, and tour movie sets in church.

Furthermore, they’ll have the opportunity to learn biblical truths through a medium they’re already familiar with: movies. They’ll learn to interpret what media they’re taking in and seek positive influences.

2. Learn About the Movies They’ll See

kidVenture Island and Student Ministry hold solid parameters when it comes to what movies are chosen to show.

We use a tool called Common Sense Media for parent and child ratings, as well as looking at the broader scope of the movie for any sexual innuendos, significant language, and messaging that goes against Biblical standards.

In this same way, we’d love for you to dive into the movies that your kids and students are seeing during At The Movies so you can have further discussions with them! You can use a tool called Plugged In - a website that reviews movies and shows, providing insight into any references to drugs, alcohol, sex, profanity, and other negative themes. This can also be a great tool to use beyond At The Movies for when you’re choosing a movie to watch as a family.

3. Help Them Invite Friends

At The Movies is the perfect series for your kids and students to bring along a friend! Not only is it an easy invite, but it’s also a fun one that they will most likely want to tell their friends about. Encourage them to invite friends from school, family members, and neighbors to join your family as you experience At The Movies. This will also help them practice inviting others to church for the future.

We can’t wait to jump into At The Movies as a church, and we hope your family enjoys it this year! See you At The Movies!

As you’re thinking about who your kids can invite this year, check out 5 Ways Your Kids & Students Can Invite Friends to At The Movies this year!

We’ll see you (and your friends and family!) At The Movies!

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