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Easter 2023 Toolkit

As we get ready to celebrate one of the most important times of the year, check out some ways to prepare for Easter!

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As Easter approaches and we get ready to celebrate one of the most important times of the year, check out the list below to find fun ways to prepare for the Easter season and invite others to celebrate with you!

Bible Reading Plans 

Journey to the Cross: An Easter Bible Reading Plan (7-Day Bible Reading Plan)
Prepare your heart as we lead up to Easter with this LCBC original Bible Reading Plan centered around how the story of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice relates to our own stories.

Step by Step: Walk with Jesus on Holy Week (10-Day Bible Reading Plan)
Walk step-by-step with Jesus during the events, emotions, and places he felt each day leading up to Easter, and beyond. 


6 Unique Ways to Celebrate Easter As A Family
Looking for fun and interesting ways to celebrate Easter this year that are outside the norm? Check out this article and pick one or two ideas to try with your family!

De-Stress and Refresh For Spring
You’ve heard of spring cleaning, and likely partake in it by decluttering and deep cleaning your home. What if you could also refresh your mind, body, and heart to thrive all season long? Here are some ways to spring clean your mind, body, and heart.

4 Easy Ways to Invite Anyone to Easter At LCBC
Friends, family, coworkers, even your Amazon Delivery Driver - there are limitless possibilities when it comes to inviting to Easter this year! Find 4 simple ways to make an invite personal in this article - then go out and start inviting so others can experience the celebration of Easter, too!

7 Reasons Why the Resurrection Matters
Jesus’ resurrection is at the center of Easter - but it’s also at the very center of our faith. Find out why in this article that breaks down 1 Corinthians 15 and explains just why the resurrection matters so much to us as followers of Jesus. 


Easter Worship Playlist
Get in the mood to celebrate with this Easter Worship Playlist on Spotify curated by our LCBC Worship team!

Subscribe to A Song & A Prayer
If you haven’t already subscribed to receive A Song & A Prayer, a daily video devotional and a song from one of our LCBC Worship Leaders, make sure you subscribe now to catch each day’s video in an Easter theme delivered to you via email or text! 

Invitation Tools

Digital Invite Tool
Send a text or email directly to invite someone to Easter At LCBC with this Digital Invite Tool! Just click through to fill out the form and send your invite - it’s that simple!

Invite Shareables on
Visit the Easter At LCBC website and scroll down to the Share section to download digital shareable graphics that you can send virtually to others via text or social media to invite them to join you for Easter At LCBC!

Invites at LCBC Locations
Find invitations for all gathering times at your LCBC location that you can physically hand to others, letting them know that you thought of them and want to invite them to join you for Easter!

For Groups

The Four People You Meet at a Crucifixion (Group Study)
As Jesus drew near to the cross, there were critical moments and crucial decisions made that set things in motion that would lead to Jesus’ death. This study looks at four people - Pilate, Judas, Jesus and Peter - and their unique part to play in the crucifixion. Understanding their perspectives will help us walk more closely with Jesus.

For Kids & Students

Eternity is Now (Student Bible Reading Plan)
Spend time in God’s Word with this 5-Day plan as we lead up to Easter learning about what it means to be a slave to sin and how Jesus saved us from that slavery.


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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