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Fasting and Prayer

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus talks several times about fasting and prayer.

What an honor it is that the God of the universe doesn't just allow us to talk to him, but he tells us to. He loves us so much that he wants us to do it. Today, take just a few minutes to soak in the fact that we get to talk to ALMIGHTY GOD.

And as you read Jesus talking about fasting, you might be confused by what exactly that is supposed to be. In its most basic form, fasting is simply choosing to do without something you enjoy for a certain amount of time. It's meant to be an expression to God that you enjoy him even more as you focus on him. You can fast from just about anything for just about any amount of time. Consider trying it; it's clearly something Jesus values, and for good reason! It could be a powerful way to strengthen your prayer life.
