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3 Ways You Can Pray For Your Kids

Check out 3 ways you can pray for your kids that God will hear no matter the season of life you are in.

Growing Faith
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There‘s nothing more important to a parent than the well-being of their kids. As a follower of Christ, you may already be praying for them on a regular basis. It’s natural for us to pray for their protection, health, friendships, school, and activities. But are there other important ways to pray for our kids that we sometimes don’t think about?  

Here are a few suggestions that you may want to include in your conversations with God regarding your children.  

1. Pray for yourself

In Ephesians 6:4, we are instructed to raise our children “with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.” With this instruction in mind, pray that God will guide you in raising your kids in a home that is centered on Jesus Christ. Ask God to keep you faithful to Him and to give you wisdom in parenting. 

2. Pray for your kids

There are two verses in the Bible that illustrate the value of praying for your children:

1 Peter 5:8 says, “Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” Remember that the devil is our enemy. Prayers for your kids help protect them from his attacks. 

Psalms 24:1 states, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him.” So that means that your children are his. He has entrusted them to you. In other words, you are responsible to God to take care of what he has given you. Prayer is a vital tool in caring for your kids.

So what are some of the things you can be praying for the kids God has entrusted you with?

The most important prayer you can pray is for them to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Pray that, as time goes on, they will come to know God better and love him more, and that they will learn to look to God for guidance, direction, and wisdom in every aspect of their lives. 

Ask God to develop the unique gifts, talents, and abilities he has given them.  

Pray, not for an easy life for your kids, but for the skills, courage, and faith to deal with the hardships and challenges they are sure to face in their days on earth. Jesus tells us,

“Here on earth there will be many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

Pray for a spirit of generosity. God expects His people to be generous with their time, abilities, and possessions. 

Pray for strength of character, courage, passion, and humility. 

3. Pray for other's in your kids' lives

In Mark 12: 28-31, when a teacher of religious law asked Jesus which is the most important commandment, he said to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.  

In addition to our children’s relationship with God, we also need to be praying for their relationships with others. With that in mind, be sure to ask God to help your kids build good relationships with their siblings, friends, and teachers. Remember to occasionally include a prayer for the future spouse that your child may someday have! 

You do not have to pray for each topic above every time you pray for your kids. Instead, you may want to choose one topic each day or each week to focus on.

  1. Be a model for your kids. Let your life illustrate the characteristics you are praying to God that they will have.
  2. Let them hear you pray – before a meal, when they go to bed, or when they are facing a challenge.
  3. Talk to them about your experiences with prayer. Let them know that you regularly look to God for help and guidance.
  4. Don’t be concerned if praying for your children is new to you. It is never too late to pray for your kids. And – it is never too early.

You might feel like your prayers aren’t good enough or wonder if they actually work. Fear not! The words you pray aren’t nearly as important as your attitude of faith, humility, and dependence on God. He hears the cry of your heart – even when you are unable to put it into words.

Also, check out 3 Steps to teaching Your Kids How to Pray and work to help build that habit in their lives too! 

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