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4 Prayers for Strength Through Pain

If you’re currently struggling with pain or building your faith for when hard times come, check out these prayers for strength through pain.

Growing Faith
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There’s no way around it. At some point in your life, you’re going to experience pain and suffering. Odds are that you’re already well acquainted with the difficulties and discouragement life can throw at you. And if that doesn’t sound familiar, just give it time.

But believers have a powerful weapon for these stormy seasons. We can bring our pain and worry to God and draw on his strength to keep us afloat.

Just as Jesus calmed the storm in Mark 4:35 – 41, God can provide strength when we’re going through painful storms of our own. Psalm 34:18 assures us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed” and Isaiah 41:10 reminds us “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Whether you’re currently struggling with pain or building your faith for when hard times come, keep reading for how to maintain a strong prayer life with examples and suggestions to implement daily.

Why prayer is crucial in times of pain

Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. When we are struggling and in pain, it can be difficult to have the energy or desire to talk with God, especially if we haven’t experienced any relief. But praying for strength isn’t only about asking for God’s help; it’s also a way to recognize everything he’s already done to give us love and support every day.

Philippians 4:6 puts it this way: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.”

Even though it can be tough to maintain a consistent prayer life when you’re in pain, this is when you need it more than ever. If you’re finding it hard to pray, try keeping these tips in mind as you bring your pain to God:

Be honest with God about your pain. 

God can handle your frustrations and doubts. Tell him how you’re feeling, what you’re afraid of, and your hopes or worries about the days ahead. Talk to him without filters and bring him your real emotions.

 Pray even when words are hard to find—God understands.

Do you ever feel like you struggle to come up with the words to express yourself when you pray? Romans 8:26 encourages, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.”

Prayer isn’t always about finding the right words. God knows us on the deepest levels possible, and if all we have to offer is even just the sound of our suffering, God still hears and understands.

Create a prayer routine, even if it’s brief, to stay connected to God.

If you’ve ever been injured or had surgery, you know that you need to stay on top of taking your pain medication. If you go too long between doses, the pain gets worse.The same goes for talking to God. Make sure you are consistently going to God in prayer, even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time. Just like a healing body needs regular care, your relationship with God needs the same consistent communication.

Prayers for strength through pain

When you can’t come up with your own words, use these prayers for strength below. You can read these directly to God, memorize and repeat them when needed, or even use them for a time of meditation as you focus your thoughts on the Lord.

A Prayer for Encouragement 

  • “God, I need to be honest. I’m struggling today. I don’t know why I’m stuck with this pain, and I’m finding it hard to trust in your plan. I know Psalm 46:1 says that you are our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. I really need that right now. Please walk beside me today and give me your strength. Amen.”
  • Read: Psalm 46:1 NLT “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”

A Prayer for Endurance

  • “Father God, this is hard. I’m so tired of feeling stuck in this endless cycle of pain. I know your grace is supposed to be enough for me, and that your power shows up best in my weakness, so that’s what I’m asking you today. Please give me your strength so I can be made strong through you. Amen.”

A Prayer for Tiredness

  • “Lord, I’m exhausted. This struggle is weighing me down, and I really need to experience some peace. The Bible says you provide rest to the weary. Can you support me now by helping me carry this burden and holding me up with your strength? I know you can get me through this, and that your love never fails. Amen.”
  • Read: Matthew 11:28 NLT (“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”)

A Prayer for Uncertainty

  • “I feel restless and unsure, God. I don’t know what tomorrow or even today holds for me. It feels like I’m stuck in darkness, and I’m not sure how to find my way out. My soul is troubled, and I need you to wrap your arms around me and remind me I’m not alone. Please walk with me today and hold me close. Thank you for carrying me through these difficult days. Amen.”
  • Read: Psalm 23:4 NLT (“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.”)

How to stay strong in faith amid pain 

In addition to prayer, here are some other ways to stay strong in faith, especially during your times of pain.

Surround yourself with a community that can lift you up in prayer.

Like we touched on earlier, sometimes it can be difficult to find the words to pray for strength. Don’t underestimate the power of other believers who can pray on your behalf. Matthew 18:20 reminds us that “where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

Who are the people in your life who would join you in praying to God for strength? Lean on them during this time. Groups are also a great way to experience the care and support of others. We’ve made it easy to find and connect with a Group on our website! 

Read the Bible daily for comfort and strength

God’s word can provide the exact encouragement we need each day. As you pray and focus on the Bible, God will grant you words of comfort and strength for your pain. Oftentimes, God even gives us clear instructions on how to address our struggles. In Joshua 1:9, it says, “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

If you’re not sure where to start, check out a Bible Reading Plan that will walk you through specific Scripture passages each day.

Journal your prayers and experiences 

In addition to praying out loud, journaling is a great way to stay connected with God and see how he’s working through your pain with you. Be sure to capture your emotions, experiences, and exchanges with God about your pain. When you’re feeling discouraged or stuck, you can read through your past entries to see how God came through and answered your prayers in the past.

Pain doesn’t last forever

No matter what kind of pain you’re going through, remember that nothing lasts forever except for God’s love and strength, which are eternal. When it feels like your pain will never end, lean into prayer to bring you strength and peace until this season has passed.

If you’re not currently in a season of pain, remember that it’s still important to establish a prayer habit so you’re prepared when struggles come. Build your prayer routine one step at a time by offering up at least one prayer each day, asking God to draw near and build your faith, so you will have his strength and peace whenever you need it. Use the prayer examples above as a starting point or try journaling some of your own.


If you need more encouragement and understanding about prayer, check out these helpful articles:

Does Prayer Work?

What to Do When God Doesn’t Answer Your Prayers

Why is Life So Hard & How to Not Give Up

5 Journaling Prompts for Anxiety


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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