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5 Ways to Activate Your Faith

Check out 5 ways to activate your faith and grow more into who God created you to be!

Growing Faith
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From the very start of his movement, Jesus has used ordinary people to do extraordinary things! Starting with a group of uneducated misfits, Jesus launched his Church, and it's been changing the world since. In Acts 2:42-47 we see the first Jesus followers engaging in everyday activities that transformed Jesus followers and the world around them!

Here are just a few ways to consider activating your faith and bringing lasting change, expanding the Jesus movement in our corner of the world!

1. Gather with other Christians on a regular basis

This one may seem obvious, but we can’t be the church if we don’t spend time as a community. When we gather we talk to God through singing and responding to His Word. We also encourage one another as we come together- whether in person or online! Simply coming to a weekend gathering is a vital way to contribute to our community.

2. Build relationships with people in all areas of your life

Since Jesus launched his movement it’s been all about relationships. A great way to be active in Jesus movement is by connecting with others to grow to become more like Jesus and to care for one another! In fact throughout the New Testament there are over 100 “one another” commandments or examples that show that we are stronger together. Someone needs you to help them grow and the truth is you need others who can help mentor you as you seek to follow Jesus. Check out our Group Finder tool to see what groups you may be interested in.

3. Make time to find a place to serve

At first glance, it may feel like we have all the bases covered in a church like ours. When every environment is welcoming and every volunteer seems eager to serve, it's easy to think they've got it covered without my help. The reality is that you have something to bring to the table! If you choose not to use your gifts, you and others are missing out. Ephesians 2:10 tells us why: "We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do." God gave you unique talents, passions, and perspectives to build into his movement! Unique means one of a kind. No one can contribute exactly like you, so whatever God has put inside of you, use it to help us introduce people to Jesus and together fully follow Him!

4. Consider investing in the mission of Jesus

Sometimes, we can get a bit bashful or standoffish when talking about money. If that's the case, we haven't realized that none of what we have belongs to us. Everything we have comes from God. We are trusted to manage it well. Just like serving, we don't all have the same ability to give. The good news is that giving isn't about a dollar amount; it's about a heart investment. When we willingly choose to sacrifice for the sake of others, it takes the focus off ourselves and reorients us to the reality that people, not things, will last for eternity. The Apostle Paul reminds us that we should give not out of reluctance or compulsion but as God has guided us (2 Corinthians 9:6-8). Since Jesus launched his movement, it's the generosity of his followers that has allowed the good news to spread and for the Church to do good in the world. Let's not let up on contributing in this vital way of advancing Jesus' movement. If you want to learn more about what the Bible says about generosity, start the plan that breaks down crucial passages on the Road to Generosity.

5. Introduce people to Jesus who don't yet know him

From the very first days of Jesus' ministry, people were introduced to Him through a personal invitation. Jesus' first disciples became followers after Jesus invited them to "come and see” and they followed His example (John 1:35-46). Time and time again, we hear stories of life change that start with a simple invitation. Your invitation may change a life, so make the ask! Share a social media post, call, text, or have a face to face conversation and a friend, family member, neighbor or coworker to join you!

So, how is God calling you to activate your faith further. Jesus wants to use you to do something incredible in the world - take Him up on the invitation! Start the conversation about your best next step to engage with Jesus' mission at LCBC. We think it has the potential to change a life and transform our community and our state.

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