Out of all of the books of the Bible, Revelation is often stereotyped and given many negative adjectives. It’s often labeled confusing, fearful, scary, judgemental, or even, by some, fake.
As Christians, it can be difficult to argue against those claims in conversations with others. So how should we approach the book of Revelation? What’s it really all about, and how does it affect our lives today or in the future? Here are some truths we can establish to look at the book in a healthy way.
1. Care More that Jesus is Coming Back - Not How or When
If you care, obsess, and focus more on how and when Jesus is coming back, over the hope that he is coming back, you’ve missed the point.
It can be easy to spend time trying to figure out a timeline and theorize about the signs of the times. Instead, take heart in knowing that he will return, which is the greatest hope we can have.
2. Don't Be Afraid of What You Don't
The author of Revelation, John, tells us in another one of his letters that “And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So, we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.” 1 John 4:17-18
If you are someone who lives in fear of the end, or afraid of not having control - pause from reading this and pray that Jesus will help you focus on him, and the hope and joy that comes with being in a relationship eternally with him.
3. This is about good news
It can be easy to overlook this reality when most of us live comfortable lives in an abundant nation.
If the return of Jesus is not good news to you then get closer and gain awareness of those who desperately need the good news. Research and think about the slums of Haiti or the brothels in Cambodia.
Learn about the war in Ukraine, or go to the cancer wing as the disease brings hurt to families and loved ones. There are places in this world that cry out for this day of good news to come. But we also need to accept and remember that we are all sinners who have lied, cheated, lusted or been prideful. This pain and sadness live deeply within us too.
The good news of Revelation shows that one day Jesus will cleanse the world from pain, suffering, and famine. As Christians, our earthly bodies will be made new and perfect with Jesus, free from sin and shame.
As you approach the book of Revelation, remember that it’s not about fear and control. It’s about a God who longs to be with you and wants to spend forever with you.
Remember that one day he will return and set things right, and that because he is in control we don't have to be. The end is only the beginning, and one day what that truth will be revealed.