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How to Know if You’re Seeking God’s Kingdom First (and Why It Matters)

When we prioritize God's kingdom, we align our lives with his purpose and experience a life of deeper meaning, peace, and fulfillment.

Growing Faith
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Jesus calls us to seek God's kingdom above everything else, and this isn't just a suggestion – it's a foundational truth for how we should live. When we prioritize God's kingdom, we align our lives with his purpose and experience a life of deeper meaning, peace, and fulfillment.  

Why are Christians called to seek God’s kingdom first? 

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” This is a promise – when we put God’s kingdom first, he takes care of the rest.  

It’s not about striving harder or accumulating more; it’s about surrendering our plans and desires to him, trusting that his way is best. Seeking his kingdom first means trusting that God knows what we need better than we do. It allows us to focus on eternal things rather than being consumed by the temporary concerns of this world. 

But how can we know if we're actually seeking his kingdom first? Check out these self-reflection questions to help you identify whether you're truly living with God's priorities at the forefront of your life. 

What am I seeking in life? 

What does it actually look like to seek God's kingdom? One way to evaluate is by asking yourself: What am I seeking most in my life? 

Are you driven by personal success, recognition, or wealth? Or are you pursuing a life that reflects God’s priorities: loving others, serving selflessly, and living out his will in all areas of your life? 

Reflect: What does my heart desire most right now? Is it in line with what God desires for me? 

Is Jesus truly on the throne of my life? 

At the core of seeking God’s kingdom is recognizing that Jesus is king. Something or someone will always be on the throne of your life. If Jesus isn’t in that place, it might be your career, your relationships, or even your own comfort. 

Jesus won’t share that throne with anyone or anything else. He calls us to live for him and his kingdom, not for our own agendas or the world’s expectations. 

Reflect: Who or what have I placed on the throne of my life? How do my actions reflect this? 

Am I living in a “me first” or a “kingdom first” way? 

We live in a world that teaches us to take care of “number one” – to focus on ourselves, our desires, and our needs above anyone else’s. But Jesus calls us to live differently. He invites us to a "kingdom first" life, one where we forgive, serve, and love just like he did. 

Jesus asks us to love our enemies, give generously, and serve without expecting anything in return. It’s not easy, and it requires intentionality. 

Reflect: When faced with a tough decision or challenge, do I naturally lean toward "me first" or "kingdom first" actions? 

Am I seeking Jesus with urgency? 

Seeking God’s kingdom requires intentional effort. Jesus compares it to looking for something valuable – imagine a parent searching for their missing child. This kind of seeking isn't passive; it’s active, urgent, and wholehearted. 

Reflect: Am I actively seeking God with urgency, or am I drifting through life without pursuing him intentionally? 

Am I focused on God’s vision for my life? 

Jesus offers us a life that is rooted in his kingdom vision – a vision where we’re transformed by his grace and growing into who he created us to be. If your vision for your life is smaller than God’s vision, it might be time to refocus. 

Reflect: Is the vision I have for my life aligned with God’s vision for me? If not, what needs to change? 

How am I treating the people around me? 

A key sign of whether you're seeking God's kingdom first is how you treat others. Jesus modeled a life of humility, compassion, and love – even toward those who were difficult to love. If you're seeking his kingdom, it will be evident in the way you treat the people close to you, like your spouse, kids, and coworkers – but it will also be evident in the way you treat people who aren’t like you or are hard to love. 

Reflect: Am I demonstrating love, humility, and forgiveness in all of my relationships, or am I letting pride or resentment take control? 

What are you seeking? 

Seeking God’s kingdom first isn’t just about a one-time decision; it’s a daily choice to live in line with Jesus' teachings and priorities. It's a life of purpose, where we look beyond ourselves and live with a higher aim. 

Take time this week to reflect on these questions and ask God to help you align your heart with his kingdom. He promises that when we seek him above all else, he will provide what we truly need (Matthew 6:33). So, what are you seeking today? 


A great place to seek God’s kingdom is in the Bible – and we’ve put together a Bible Reading Plan that will walk you through passages all about seeking God and how he can transform us daily.  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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