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How to Start A Group In 5 Easy Steps

If you feel called to lead a Group, check out how to start one in 5 easy steps.

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You’ve heard us talk about the importance of Groups, and you might be wondering where to start. If you feel called to lead a Group, check out how to start one in 5 easy steps.

Step 1: Invite others

Groups require…other people! Invite friends, neighbors, coworkers, family members, or the person you sit next to every weekend to join you on this journey. Want us to help fill your Group? Let us know, and we’ll add your Group to the Group Finder

Step 2: Get organized 

Take some time to work out the logistics for your Group. Decide on time and space, and choose a starting date to communicate to those you have invited to join your Group.

Keep in mind, Groups happen where life happens - and that can be anywhere! You can have you Group over to your house, or you may decide to meet at a local coffeeshop or even online!

Step 3: Prepare for Group 

A significant reason we do Groups is to grow together. When you lead a Group, we’ll set you up with content from each series that has Message Based Questions. Be sure to review the tools on the resource page to help guide your time together! 

Step 4: Share responsibility

The goal of the Group isn’t for the leader to own everything. Sharing responsibility will make your Group stronger. During your first meeting, take some time to discuss and assign roles for the members of your Group:

  • Contributor: There are no bystanders at Group. Everyone has a part to play. Every time your Group meets, you can show up, join in the conversation, and be real!
  • Host: Hospitality is key. Hosts create a welcoming environment where connections will flourish. As a host, you will open your home to help others relax and belong.
  • Pray-er: This isn’t just for Bible scholars or theologians! The pray-er actively listens to requests and invites God to show up like only he can on behalf of the Group.
  • Conversation Guider: Like a GPS keeps a car on a route, the conversation guider helps direct the conversation from taking a detour so the Group stays on track.
  • Timekeeper: When you know how much time you have left, you tend to do more with the time you have now. The timekeeper makes sure that Group starts and ends on time.
  • Snack Bringer: The best way to someone’s heart is through their stomach! The snack bringer is the real hero every week supplying the fuel the Group needs to stay focused.

Step 5: Start

Now that you’ve invited others, taken care of the logistics like date, time, place, and study, and become more familiar with the Group roles, it’s time to get started! Don’t worry, you’ve got this! Use the tools and resources provided and remember, you’re not alone!

Don't feel like you need to get started as a Group leader alone! Reach out to us at for answers and support along the way. You may also want to take a look at these other resources about leading a Group well:

How to Make the Most of Your First Group Meeting

Overcoming Your Hesitations About Starting a Group

5 Reasons it's Worth It to Lead a Group at LCBC (Even if You're an Introvert!)

LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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