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I Just Trusted Jesus...What Now?

Trusting Jesus can happen in a moment, but it’s only the start of a lifelong adventure to become more like him. So, where should you start?

Growing Faith
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At LCBC, we exist to introduce people to Jesus and help them fully follow him! Introducing people to Jesus is all about helping them know that God is for them.  

God loved you so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to trade our sin and shame for his life and perfection. Through his death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus made it possible for us to have peace with God.  

Trusting Jesus can happen in a moment, but it’s only the start of a lifelong adventure to become more like him. So, where should you start?  

What to do after you’ve trusted Jesus 

Here are a few practical steps to get you started on your journey.  

1. Read the Bible 

The Bible is God’s way of telling us his story – who he is, what he cares about, and his plans for all humanity. It contains everything we need to know about following him well and how to get the most out of life today. 

Like starting any new relationship, we must get to know the other person better. The Bible is a sure way to grow closer to God and understand what he has for us. Want to know more about how to get started? Discover more about how to get started reading the Bible, or try diving into a Bible Reading Plan

2. Talk to God 

Every good relationship is built on strong communication. The way we communicate with God is through prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. You don't have to know a special formula or use fancy language; just talk to him like you would talk to a friend. God wants to hear from you. If you need help getting started, use these Four Prayer Starters to get the conversation going! 

3. Find a supportive community 

Our faith was meant to be personal, but not private. We need other people to help us grow. The best place to start is by regularly attending church. Each week, we’ll spend time talking to God, learning more about how to follow him, all in the context of relationships.  

Another great step in growing your faith is seeking out relationships with other followers of Jesus. At LCBC, we want it to be as easy as possible to find a place to connect with other believers, which is why we have Groups! In a Group, you’ll experience accountability, belonging, and care – all in a place where you’ll connect over a similar interest or season of life. Have questions about Groups? Start here.  

We’re here for you! 

We’re so excited you’ve taken the step to trust Jesus, and we want to help you have a strong start to your faith journey. If you’ve recently made the decision to trust him, let us know, and we’d love to celebrate with a gift and more free resources to help you grow in your faith. 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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