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Starting Your Faith Journey: A Resource Guide

If you’ve taken the step to trust Jesus, start here for helpful resources to inspire & encourage!

Growing Faith
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If you’ve recently taken the step to trust Jesus, congratulations! You’re starting an incredible journey of life change, and you’re about to experience life in a whole new way.  

But after you’ve made the decision and prayed the prayer, you may be wondering, “What do I do next?”  

Check out these resources to learn more about what it looks like to follow Jesus, start the habit of reading the Bible, and get some of your burning questions about faith answered! 


What Does It Mean to Have Peace With God? 

The thought of God can be scary or off-putting because we naturally think we don’t measure up and are being looked down on. Luckily for us, the Bible is clear that when we place our faith in Jesus, his death, and resurrection, we can have complete peace with God.  But what does that mean? 

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I Just Trusted Jesus...What Now? 

Trusting Jesus can happen in a moment, but it’s only the start of a lifelong adventure to become more like him. So, where should you start? 

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What is God’s Will for My Life? 

The key to discovering God’s will and knowing what is God’s will for your life doesn’t require a complex formula or a fancy ritual. We can actually discover it through simple steps that are easy to weave into our daily lives.  

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The Truth About How to Earn God’s Love 

Free yourself from the shackles of empty religion and find joy and freedom in Jesus. 

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What is the Purpose of the Holy Spirit? 

Is it a ghost, a god, or something else? What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit, and how can we get a better understanding? 

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Bible Reading Plans 

Jesus (In His Own Words) 

We often make up our own minds about who Jesus is based on the opinions or actions of others. But what would happen if we went straight to the source? If we let Jesus speak for himself, in his own words, about who he is and what he came to do? 

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Who God Says You Are 

There are lots of voices that try to tell us our worth - both voices from inside our own heads and from the outside. In this Bible Reading Plan, we'll discover the truth about who God says we are. Discover your value and purpose in his eyes and grow into who he created you to be. 

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Seeking God 

Explore what it looks like to seek various aspects of God's presence in our lives as we follow him – his wisdom, guidance, peace, contentment, and love. 

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Curious about what it means to trust Jesus and how it can change your life? Learn more about making the decision to follow Jesus and how it can impact your life!


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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