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10 Ways To Serve at LCBC You Didn’t Know Existed

God gave each of us unique personalities and gifts to serve others. Check out 10 ways to serve at LCBC you didn't know existed.

Growing Faith
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Jesus consistently led by example throughout his life on earth. Repeatedly, Jesus served others. He washed the feet of his disciples (John 13:1-14), served a meal to a huge crowd of people (John 6:1-13), and healed countless sick people (Matthew 9:20-22Matthew 9:35Mark 2:9-12Luke 17:12-16). In John 13:15, In the last few days before his death, Jesus encourages us, “I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.”

God gave each of us unique personalities and gifts to serve others. Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, there’s a place for you to contribute to what God’s doing in our church! Read below to find what serving positions could be your perfect fit based on your personality:

1. Cookie Drops

At LCBC, we love to welcome new people with cookies delivered to their front door. If you love baking for others, or have some spare time to buy cookies, consider being a cookie dropper for your local LCBC campus!

2. Volunteer Writing Team

Do you have an interest, hobby, or passion for writing? Join our growing team of writers who lend their gifts to help further our mission of introducing people to Jesus and together fully following him. Check out our article library or Bible reading plans for examples.  If you’re interested, email to get started.

3. Band and Production

If you’re passionate about music, joining the Worship Team might be for you! Whether you’re gifted in singing, drumming, or playing the guitar, you can lead others to connect more closely with God through worship.

Love music but not musically inclined? Try a spot on the Production Team! On this team, you can run sound, change graphics and lyrics on the screen, cue up lighting, and more! These teams work together to create an engaging, meaningful experience on the weekends.

4. Listen and Comfort at the Prayer Area

Have you been told you’re a great listener? Jesus encouraged us, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them,” (Matthew 18:19-20). In the Prayer Area, you can serve others following the gathering by listening to what’s on their hearts and praying alongside them.

5. Buddy Ministry

Every kid is welcomed and accepted in our kid and student environments. As a buddy, you’ll partner with a kid or student with special or behavioral needs and support them to engage in their weekend gathering environment and grow closer to Jesus.

6. Greet Others at the Next Steps Area

If you like encouraging others to continue their pursuit of growing closer to Jesus, the Next Steps Area might be for you! Serving here might mean welcoming new faces to LCBC, encouraging people to take the plunge in the Baptism pool, or inviting them to join a Group.

7. Lead a Group

Being a Group Leader is all about creating an environment where community and growth can happen! Group Leaders serve by guiding kids in kidVenture Island, students in Collide or HSM, or adults in Groups through discussion, prayer, and connection. Whatever your passions may be, you have the ability to start tand lead a group in it. Ready to Start a Group? Click Here

Or, check out 5 Reasons It’s Worth It to Lead a Group at LCBC (Even If You’re an Introvert)

8. Photography Team

If you're a photographer looking to vary and develop your skills we’d love to have you on our Photography Team! As a Photography Team volunteer, you’ll spend time behind the scenes capturing photos of weekend gatherings, kid and student environments, and events happening around LCBC.

9. Cleaning Team

Clean environments are a vital aspect in showing our guests they're welcome and we’re ready for them! If you have an eye for detail or feel accomplished after tidying up your home, you might be a great fit for our Cleaning Team.

10. Traffic Team 

When you pull into the parking lot each weekend, the first friendly faces are our traffic team members. When you serve on the Traffic Team, you'll show people they are welcome by greeting them, and helping them find a spot to park as close and comfortably as possible!

No matter what your personality type is, there’s a space for you to follow Jesus’ call to serve others!

If you are ready to make the jump and take that next step in serving, fill out our volunteer interest form, or reach out to someone at your location’s Next Steps area on the weekends.

To learn more about serving at LCBC check out the Serve page here.

LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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