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3 Key Things to Know About Habakkuk

It may not be one of the most "popular" books of the Bible - but it's an important one, especially for our world today.

Growing Faith
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The book of Habakkuk might not be on your short list of well-known books of the Bible - maybe this is even the very first time you’re hearing about it! But the story of Habakkuk is one that each one of us can relate to, whether we grew up hearing Bible stories or have never actually opened a Bible before. If you’re wondering what to expect in the book of Habakkuk, here are 3 key pieces of information to know before diving in.

1. Habakkuk was a prophet

In the Bible, prophets are defined as a person who speaks on behalf of God. Many prophets were known to predict the future, but the truth is that being a prophet is much broader than that one detail - however, it’s certainly good evidence to signify someone is a prophet of God.

Habakkuk was a prophet, and reading through his book of the Bible will give us more context on his role. As a prophet, he did predict the future - he predicted the Babylonian defeat of Judah - but he also delivers other messages on God’s behalf.

2. The book of Habakkuk addresses injustice in the world

In the first verses of Habakkuk, we read as he cries out to God about some internal injustice and the injustices of the current world at large. God’s response is most likely not what we’d expect: instead of taking away Habakkuk’s ailment or solving the problem, he reveals that more injustice will be coming. And this begins a continued conversation between Habakkuk and God surrounding the idea of evil and good, injustice and justice, and where God stands amidst all of it.

If you’ve ever wondered why bad things happen, or where God is when they do, Habakkuk probably asked God some of the same questions that you’ve asked. However, the book of Habakkuk is not a book of answers to specific questions - it’s a book that gives us more context around who God is and how he works. And it’s worth the read.

3. You may be familiar with Habakkuk’s key verse

The key verse in Habakkuk is Habakkuk 2:4 “Look at the proud! They trust in themselves, and their lives are crooked. But the righteous will live by their faithfulness to God.”

Maybe you’ve heard that last line before, but never had context around it. In the book of Habakkuk, we’re shown what a posture of trust in God really looks like, and why we can have that posture even when the world around us feels like it’s falling apart. It’s a good reminder that while we may not have all the answers, we can rely on a God who does.


Now that you know a few things about the book of Habakkuk, check out our series When God Makes No Sense as we read Habakkuk’s story and learn what it has to teach us about trusting that God is good even when our lives aren’t.

Check out some of these other helpful resources for reading the book of Habakkuk and exploring other books of the Bible:

Watch: 3 Key Things to Know About Habakkuk

Read: Where to Start Reading the Bible


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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